5 Steps to a Seamless Move

Robi SimmsBlog, Homeowner Tesimonial, Homeownership, New Home Building, News, Tips

D”There’s a stage in unpacking during household moves when it feels like I’m auditioning for Hoarders. For weeks I say “Just go around it”. “ -@someecards   Follow these 5 steps to ensure a seamless move. 1. Avoid the leading mistake everyone makes! Don’t move useless items just because you already own it.  Consider the needs of your new space …

Everyone Loves Ice Cream

catapultCommunity Happenings, Downtown Dayton Townhomes, New Condos in Centerville, Springboro Townhomes and Patio Homes, Washington Township Luxury Townhomes, Yankee Trace Patio Homes

By Bronwyn Graham-Duteil Sales Representative at The Cottages of Yankee Trace A big part of life at The Highlands and Cottages of Yankee Trace is our social interaction!  The Social Committee plans quarterly events such as carry ins, an Italian Dinner and Game Night, and the Memorial Day Weekend BBQ. Residents were  excited when summer rolled around to our most recent get together. …