Best Holiday Gifts For New Homeowners

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Holiday Gifts


‘Tis the season to give! After all, the only thing happier than living in a Simms Development home is a gift that makes it feel even cozier. This holiday season, skip all of the stress of searching far and wide for the perfect present — we’ve compiled a list of the latest and greatest presents for Simms Development homeowners!


If you’re unsure of what to put on your new home wish list or you’re deciding on the perfect present for a new neighbor in your community, we have you covered. Great for secret Santa parties, potlucks, and gift-giving between friends, these items make life in a new home in Dayton even sweeter:


Gift Guide for New Homeowners


Throw Blanket: There’s nothing like staying in for a cozy movie night during the holidays. A nice, warm throw blanket for the couch will bring all of the comfy vibes to any home. 


Folding Bed Tray: Serve breakfast with a side of comfort! A specialized serving tray with folding legs makes eating those delicious pancakes in bed as enjoyable as can be. 


Monogrammed Cheese Board/Cutting Board: Who doesn’t love their own initials? A personalized gift (especially one that’s useful) is something that will always be cherished.


Candle: A candle may seem like a cop-out as a gift, but a classic wintertime aroma fills a home with endless comfort. The scents you love have powerful effects on your mind (and make you happy as can be).


Coffee Table Book: No coffee table is complete without the right book (we won’t judge if you never actually read it…) Get creative with different sizes, shapes, and colors for some fun flair.


Virtual Assistant: It’s never been easier to do many of your average, day-to-day functions. From playing music to controlling devices around the home, smart home assistants take convenience to a new level.


Key Holder for Foyer: If you’ve ever said to yourself, “uh oh, where are my keys?” — you’re certainly not alone. Keyholders are the sweetest little addition to any Simms entryway.


Cookbook: What signifies the holidays better than delicious food? A really great cookbook, whether featuring regional fare or international delights, is surely welcome in every Simms kitchen.


Coffee Maker: Wake up and smell the coffee! When you’re in a rush, a personal coffee maker gives you that buzz you love from the comfort of your kitchen.


NutriBullet: In between all of those tasty holiday meals, a NutriBullet packs all of the benefits of your favorite fruits and vegetables into one. The best part? It’s incredibly easy to use.


From all of us at Simms Development, happy holidays!

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